MISC-----kabbalists and palm readers
curious george Posted - 01 February 2002 15:18
is it okay to go to a palmist reader in order to get a personality analysis? I know it's wrong to ask about the future, but if it definitely won't go into the future, then is it allowed to get advice based on personality analysis?
MODERATOR Posted - 01 February 2002 16:03
The only prohibition involved with such things is the prohibition to be naive and foolish. These palmists are bogus. I know some of them first hand, and believe me, they have no more idea of who you are than anyone else who meets you for the first time, but they have tricks to tell you things that will probably sound like they know stuff when they really haven’t got a clue.
This includes lots of the "Kabbalistic" ones as well. Someone once came to me all excited because he was freaked out by some supposed Kabbalah guy who reads "names". You give him your name and he tells you about you. So this guy gave him his daughter's name - Zahava-something-bas-someone. And the name-reader asked him "If she's named after Golda, why do you call her Zahava?"
This was in fact the case, and Zahava's father was so impressed he was shaking.
So I explained to him that in Europe, it is known that people used Yiddish names such as Golda, Faiga, Gittle, but in America, and more so in Israel today, due largely to the influence of Zionism, people often Hebraesize (is there such a word?) those names to Zahava, Tzipora, Tova. So when this guy saw a semi-chassidishe Hungarian couple with a daughter named Zahava, he figured she’s probably named after a Hungarian or Romanian grandmother or something, who was probably named Golda. Especially since asked them basic family information beforehand, like where they come from etc. It doesn’t take a rocket scientists - or a real name reader - to figure this out.
Of course, there really is a Chochmah in palm reading, and there are seforim written on it (many are reprinted by Bakal Publishers in Eretz Yisroel), but its easy for some imposter to impersonate them.
My advice is to stay away from these people, the majority of them are fake, and the odds are you will not be able to tell the fake ones from the real. therefore, you can get misinformation, just adding to your confusion, not diminishing from it.
bluesky02 Posted - 21 February 2002 21:44
my aunt went to a kabbalist and they told her that if she gets married shell have blind children. so that could be one of the reasons she’s still not married. so...
MODERATOR Posted - 21 February 2002 21:51
She should ignore the alleged Kabbalist and get married anyway. Two reasons:
(a) Even if what the Kabbalist said is true, this kind of stuff is not for us to judge. The Gemora relates how King Chizkiyah was punished for not having children, because he was told that his children would be evil. the Gemora says this is not an excuse because "hani kivshei d'rachmana" - these mysteries of Hashem - are not our business. Hashem told us to get married and have children. The soothsayers' predictions are not a factor in our decision.
(b) The odds are, the Kabbalist is a phony. People who say such things are not presumed legitimate until proven so. And most of them are illegitimate.
lifeisbad Posted - 25 February 2002 15:45
(a) Even if what the Kabbalist said is true, this kind of stuff is not for us to judge. The Gemora relates how King Chizkiyah was punished for not having children, because he was told that his children would be evil. the Gemora says this is not an excuse because "hani kivshei d'rachmana" - these mysteries of Hashem - are not our business.
yes, but u are missing the fact tat the mitzvah of pru urivu is on the male and therefore chizkiyahu was criticized. but rivka was able to say "im kain, lama ze anochi" about the twins, yaakov and esav, bec she is a female and not commanded w/ the mitzvah.
im not saying your aunt should’nt get married, she should, im just pointing out an error in the logic of it.
MODERATOR Posted - 25 February 2002 16:32
True, but there are other Torah reasons for a woman to get married than Pru Urevu. First, there are poskim who hold a woman is obligated to get married to fulfill the Mitzvah of Sheves, even if not commanded in Pru Urevu.
But more, the Gemora says that the only way a woman merits the reward for Torah, which is necessary for her eternal happiness in Olam Habah, is by helping her husband and children learn Torah. This applies even if the children will be blind r"l. What is the Kabbalah guy's excuse for taking this Olam Habbah away from your aunt?
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