ZIONISM / ANTI-----benefiting from the state
e Posted - 02 August 2001 20:25
Okay so is this the reason we/you/people don’t say hallel on yom haatzmaut because it would be giving "consent" to a wrong thing. But then should frum Jews in
MODERATOR Posted - 02 August 2001 23:33
Well, it’s more than just not approving of something. It’s more like not celebrating the committing of a crime against Hashem. Saying Hallel on the occasion of Hashem being hurt is beyond bad...
As far as benefiting from the crime, there are three opinions about this among our Gedolim.
1) Your opinion is that of the Satmar Rav ZT"L. Those who follow this opinion do not take any money from the Israeli government, do not vote in the Israeli elections, and of course do not participate in the government (which would make you an accessory after the fact, according to them).
2) Rav Aharon Kotler ZT"L. Held that even though the Medinah should not have been made, now that it is here, we cannot allow the non-religious to grasp the control and influence of so many Jews, they are making it much worse. It is a Mitzvah, he held, to vote in the elections, to participate in the government, and use whatever influence exists out there to make sure that the Ratzon Hashem is not violated more than it already has been.
3) The Brisker Rav ZT"L. Those who follow the Brisker Rav do not vote in the elections, do not take money from the government, but do not consider doing so an outright aveirah. "Voting in the
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