HASHEM-----why 6 days of creation
The question of why Hashem did not create the world in one big bang is asked by Chazal.
Hashem created the world in 10 steps (maamoros). Why did Hashem need 10 steps? The answer is He didn't, but He used 10 steps so that we can realize how monumental the world is.
We need to realize the greatness of the world in order to understand the greatness of our Mitzvos - and the seriousness of our aveiros. Our Mitzvos maintain the world - not just any world but a world so grand that it took Hashem 10 steps to make it! Our Aveiros destroy the world - not just any world, but a world so grand that it took Hashem 10 steps to make it!
Not that Hashem needed to take 10 steps. He did it on purpose so that we can realize the impact of our actions.
Same thing for the 6 days as opposed to one.
Re: 6 days of creation or 7 days. Both are true. Sometimes Chazal use the phrase "sheshes yemei bereishis" and sometimes they use "shivas yemei bereshis". It's semantics.
Technically, the world took 7 days to become what it is now, but the first 6 days were a totally different process than the 7th. The first 6 days were creation of gashmiyus, of Hashem "hiding" Himself, so to speak, making "room" for material things.
On the seventh day, the opposite happened. Ruchniyus was injected into the world, Hashem "revealed" Himself instead of "hiding". The first 6 days Hashem made more and more gashmiyus, and on the seventh, He created the limitations of that Gashmiyus, so that it doesn't become more material than He intended.
So depending on what you mean, you can say the world was created in 6 days or in 7.
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