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TORAH & SCIENCE-----proper perspective

How to -and how not to - learn Science

We have seen, in the Lice forum, that Chazal's understanding of nature was vastly superior to that of the scientists.

While the scientists get their understanding of nature through observation, and thus only know the surface-level facts, Chazal got their knowledge form the Torah, which describes nature in its deepest, most realistic level.

All of reality, in fact, is just a reflection of the Torah. Knowing about nature from science is like knowing about an object through its reflection, whereas knowing nature from Torah is knowing something by knowledge of its every facet.

When we learn science, we need to learn it with that foundation already understood. When we learn science we need to understand that it is only a secondary source of knowledge of nature --- that Torah is first. If you obtain knowledge of nature after you already have a strong Emunah in super nature, your knowledge of science can fall into proper perspective.

The Alshich, quoted in the Siach Yiztchok in the Sidur HaGra in Ashrei, writes that the proper way to learn science is after you have learned the Torah principles of science, and have instilled Emunah into your heart. First learn about miracles, then learn about science.

After a person has acquired a proper background of Emunah and understanding of the true nature of physicality, that is, it is all Hashem's doing, it’s all a miracle, then, against that background, learn whatever science you will learn. The knowledge of Hashem is necessary to properly digest to properly use the knowledge of science.

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